There are concerts that are forever etched on your mind and in your memory. The Portuguese Sinistro managed to completely overwhelm me at the Roadburn Festival in 2016, not only because of the deliciously propelling doom riffs, but especially because of frontwoman/vocalist Patricia Andrade. With her eccentric, theatrical stage presence and her sensual fado voice, she completely captivated and enchanted me and many around me. The second album Semente was just out at the time and I still know that album by heart because of this, for me, legendary show.
The Sangue Cássia, released two years later, sounded even darker and was certainly another step forward in terms of quality and depth. In following years, we did not hear from the band. So I was completely surprised when earlier this year, out of the blue, a single appeared from a album, which was supposed to be released on Fernando Ribeiro’s (Moonspell) Alma Mater Records. This time with a new singer: Priscila da Costa (known to some for the ritualistic Judasz & Nahimana). Her beautiful voice brings a completely different tension to the music. Where Andrade mainly adopted a sultry, seductive style, Da Costa moves into a more melodramatic corner with a bit more dynamics and longer notes. I even hear a hint of Van Giersbergen and that is certainly a compliment (for both of them).
Sinistro plays doom, that much is obvious, but that is by no means all there is to say. The heavy, menacing guitar parts are brought very tastefully and there is a warm glow over the music. Not only because of the Mediterranean character and the exotic sounding Portuguese language, but also because of the relaxed character of the riffs and rhythms, the beautifully interwoven melancholic guitar layers and the soft layer of keys that is laid over it at just the right moments. And then there is the truly flawless production this album has been given. Delicious!
This fourth full-length from Sinistro proves that a band can remain themselves in a different guise while breaking new ground so as not to repeat themselves. A clear sign that Sinistro is a creative and inspired band that will hopefully continue for years to come. Vértice is a wonderful addition to their increasingly fascinating discography. Obrigado!

Alma Mater Records, 2024
- Amargura
- Elegia
- Pontas Soltas
- O Equivocado
- Perfeita Encenação
- Templo das Lágrimas
- Priscila Da Costa – Vocals
- Rick Chain – Guitar
- Paulo Lafaia – Drums
- Ricardo Matias – Guitar
- Pedro Do Vale – Bass