Sylosis werpt licht op nieuwe plaat

Sylosis werpt licht op nieuwe plaat

De Engelse thrashers van Sylosis laten weten dat hun volgende plaat net werd opgenomen in Monnow Valley Studio in Wales. Monolith draagt het als naam en zanger/gitarist Josh Middleton had er ook even wat over te zeggen:

Some people might not had expected us to come out with a new album so quickly but we already had a few songs written for this album by the summer of 2010. We’ve spent as much time writing this album as any of the others and I think we’re all the most proud we’ve ever been. Monolith is the best representation of us as a band in terms of our diverse influences and stylistically it’s what we’ve always been aiming for. A mixture of thrash, big doomy riffs and dark atmospherics and ambience.

Some parts of the album is us covering new ground but everything that people have come to love about our band is still present. It’s not necessarily a change in direction or something we’re moving more towards, it was just about making a unique vibe for this album as a whole. There’s a real urgency to a lot of this material and the really natural and honest production helps mirror that. We really wanted more of a ‘live session’ feel. Both Romesh (Dodangoda – producer, mixer) and Jens (Bogren – mastering) have done a great job in giving this album a unique sound. Too many bands these days rely on technology and it can just suck all the life and personality out of the music.
