Shturm toont Eagles Above Tibet

Shturm toont Eagles Above Tibet

User Ermak laat weten dat de ethnic death metal band Shturm ons laat meegluren naar de nieuwe video van het nummer Eagles Above Tibet, afkomstig van het komende album Karmaruna. Dit heeft de band er over te vertellen:

The video’s full of symbols and ideas, so its sense may be not very clear for you – we’ll be happy to answer your questions!

The video’s and song’s ideas are different at first sight. The song itself tells us about how compassionate may be human’s heart even after great ties of exile, wars and humiliation. It also tells us about how important is freedom for everyone of us all! The video consists of few scenes in which the wise Buddhist parables are shown. We suppose their sence may be quite urgent for many people today, so the video may appear interesting for you!
