Carnal Forge op hold gezet

Carnal Forge op hold gezet

Bassist Lars Lindén van de Zweedse thrashmetalband Carnal Forge heeft een update gegeven over de toekomst van de band: “Since all the members have chosen to drop off CARNAL FORGE due to different reasons to work on new projects, CARNAL FORGE will take a pause and the band will be put on ice for an unspecified time.

I don’t know if there will ever be another CARNAL FORGE album or if we’ll play live again. I sure do hope so and I will work for it, but only the future will tell.

The material of 20 songs, that I over the last year have written for CARNAL FORGE’s seventh album, will now be put a into a new thrash metal project called DELERIUM. Working album title for the debut is ‘Friendly Fire’. Album cover and songtitles are set, but to be revealed later on. At the moment I’m recording pre-production versions of all of the new songs in my home studio.

It’s great fun to be back on my main instrument, guitar, again.”
