Indie Recordings opent kantoor in Amerika

Indie Recordings opent kantoor in Amerika

Het Noorse platenlabel Indie Recordings, de thuis van bands zoals Kvelertak, Enslaved, 1349, bundelt de krachten met Prosthetic Records om tot Indie Recordings North America the komen.

“After evaluating several opportunities of how to structure our new efforts in North America, it became very obvious that Prosthetic Records were the by far best partner for us. As a label that shares the same philosophy of building bands, we felt very at home with them, and having been friends for years and working together on artists like 1349 and Ov HELL in the past, the foundation was already there. We are very excited about this and look forward to bringing the forces of Satan and Indie Recordings to North America,” zegt Erlend Gjerde, general manager bij Indie Recordings.

