Death Destruction (Evergrey sideproject) demo mp3’s

Death Destruction (Evergrey sideproject) demo mp3’s

Death Destruction is een nieuw Evergrey-sideproject featuring Henrik Danhage (guitar) en Jonas Ekdahl (drums) van Evergrey.

Op de website van de band staan enige mp3 samples die op hun demo gaan verschijnen. De muziek is absoluut niet zoals Evergrey maar geheel anders. De leden zelf beschrijven de muziek als volgt:

Henrik Danhage: “The thing is me and Jonas together with the former bass player of Hammerfall (Fredrik Larsson). He’s an old buddy of mine, and we have this crazy little kid (singing named Jimmy), I mean he’s not little, he’s young. Anyway, it’s a good thing…. I had come from the previous band that I had before Evergrey, it was heavier. It’s just nice having an outlet for that. We recorded like eleven songs. Basically, me and Jonas did the whole CD as far as playing all the stuff on it. Then we brought along Fredrik and Jimmy, so we had a band, (laughing), It’s cool. It’s very, very, un-Evergrey. I would say if you’d take like the coldness you have in the black metal stuff and mix it with that Pantera kind of groove. The singer is AWESOME. . . The guys from Children Of Bodom were like almost starting to cry (laughs) when they heard that. They were like, ‘Oh my god! What the fuck! What’s up with this singer?!’ Jonas is there with a lotta fucking blast beats. It’s very different. This is a cool thing as well, that probably attracts the Evergrey fan, I don’t know, maybe they’ll think this is good as well . . . It’s more like Damageplan, Pantera, playing-wise. The singer is great.”
